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Read the CurvesWear fitting room here

Read the CurvesWear fitting room here

Curveswear Fittingroom

Need help choosing the right shapewear?

Then dive right into this fitting room!

In the CurvesWear Fitting Room, you'll find all the answers to your questions about shapewear. Shapewear is a better term for "correctional underwear" because it accentuates your figure where you want to draw attention. Moreover, it makes you slightly slimmer in the areas you prefer. Most women desire a flatter stomach, streamlined hips, and toned legs. Shapewear can achieve it all. So, shapewear gives more shape to your body, allowing you to become the best version of yourself.

Shapewear may immediately bring to mind the old-fashioned grandma panties, but that's thankfully no longer the case. Nowadays, shapewear is often indistinguishable from lingerie. You can choose from basic products made of smooth materials, often nearly seamless, making them invisible under your form-fitting clothing. However, you also have a wide selection of elegant products with lace and mesh. This ensures that you'll feel incredibly feminine. They boost your confidence and maybe even give you a sexy feeling.

As you may have already noticed, there are many different products available. We understand that it can be challenging to determine which shapewear suits your figure. That's why we explain in this fitting room that you should first identify your body type. Fortunately, we assist you in that process. Once you know your body type, you can read in the fitting room which products are best for you. If you're still uncertain, that's not a problem either. You can always take advantage of the personalized shapewear advice. You send us your measurements and let us know your main concerns. Is it your tummy, saggy buttocks, wide hips, or cellulite? We'll find the best solution for you and send it to you. All you have to do is choose.

Even if you don't want to correct anything, correctional underwear can still work in your favor. Lightly correcting shorts ensure you won't see seams from your panties running across your buttocks. A bodysuit makes your love handles or muffin top disappear like magic, and with a correctional dress, you can finally pull that tight dress out of the closet. Shapewear opens up many more outfit possibilities. What you didn't dare dream of before, you can now confidently shine in. And that's what we want you to do. We wish you a lot of enjoyable reading!